wtorek, lipca 03, 2012

przetłumaczę sobie cohena (4)

pamiętam, jak na drugim czy trzecim roku zwabiony głosem i nastrojem, zupełnie nie znając angielskiego, ze słownikiem zacząłem sobie tłumaczyć fragmenty "suzanne"; i jak stanąłem bezradny wobec fenomenu tych słów, i byłem w stanie jedynie po omacku nazwać to coś, dla czego nie znałem żadnego odpowiednika w prowincjonalnej polskiej literaturze: "metafizyczna poezja". głęboko egzystencjalna, okrutna, metafizyczna poezja schyłku 20. wieku, której adresatem jest amerykański, brytyjski, niemiecki, francuski "inteligent"... 
A 1000 Kisses Deep

The ponies run, the girls are young,
The odds are there to beat.
You win a while, and then it’s done –
Your little winning streak.
And summoned now to deal
With your invincible defeat,
You live your life as if it’s real,
A Thousand Kisses Deep.

I’m turning tricks, I’m getting fixed,
I’m back on Boogie Street.
You lose your grip, and then you slip
Into the Masterpiece.
And maybe I had miles to drive,
And promises to keep:
You ditch it all to stay alive,
A Thousand Kisses Deep.

And sometimes when the night is slow,
The wretched and the meek,
We gather up our hearts and go,
A Thousand Kisses Deep.

Confined to sex, we pressed against
The limits of the sea:
I saw there were no oceans left
For scavengers like me.
I made it to the forward deck
I blessed our remnant fleet –
And then consented to be wrecked,
A Thousand Kisses Deep.

I’m turning tricks, I’m getting fixed,
I’m back on Boogie Street.
I guess they won’t exchange the gifts
That you were meant to keep.
And quiet is the thought of you
The file on you complete,
Except what we forgot to do,
A Thousand Kisses Deep.


Blogger zesgiepisu said...

Cohen o "A Thousand kisses deep": "It’s a song that summaries quite well this feeling of invicible defeat anyone is affected by. The feeling that everything is temporary and unsubstantial. Of course you have to live your life as though it were all real, but the fondamental reality is far beyond the human’s understanding. Nowadays we know much more the mechanism of the Human, we’re decoding his genes, but noone can tell what is the meaning of that “Boogie street”. You can only have this feeling everything escapes us. Finally it’s an instructive feeling, that drive us ahead."

10:03 PM  
Blogger zesgiepisu said...

Cohen o tym, czym jest "Boogie Street": "It’s an image to evoke the deception, the “lost illusions boulevard”, an image of the everyday life, with its tentations, its disillusions. In fact there is actually a “Boogie Street” in Singapore. A very attractive street, where you can find illegal records. I remember having been there after a Tour in Australia. I was almost offended not to find my records. I asked the seller and he went back with a box containing the entire collection of my records - what you could never find anywhere else, furthermore at one dollar each record. By night, this same street becomes the hottest one of the area. It’s a street of working ans sex, and of all the deceptions these activities can bring, deceptions more cruel as you get older, like I do."

10:06 PM  
Blogger zesgiepisu said...

Cohen o "The invisible defeat": 'Well, I think it's a good line: "summoned now to deal with your invincible defeat. . . . You live your life as if it's real." Even though the dreamy aspect of it begins to prevail, and the sense of having no control begins to be apparent. The evidence accumulates that you're not running the show. You still have to make choices as if you were running the show. But you make your choices with the intuitive understanding that it's unfolding as it must. And that's why I use that phrase "a thousand kisses deep." That's the intuitive understanding of the fundamental mystery. And if you can relax in that, or if you can even touch it, or if it asserts itself from time to time, then the invincible defeat is transcended.'

10:09 PM  
Blogger zesgiepisu said...

Cohen o tym jak w tym buddyjskim klasztorze powstawało A Thousand kisses deep: "It's taken so long to write and it was so much of my ordinary day even when I was in the meditation hall spending long hours. I suppose I was supposed to be calming my mind or directing it to other areas, but I was working on the rhymes for A Thousand Kisses Deep. I found the mediation hall was an excellent place to work on songs. I could concentrate on a verse, work out the rhymes and the ideas would come."

10:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonimowy said...

Piosenka Suzanne jest magiczna. To jakby łyk spokoju w walącym się dla niektórych świecie.

11:59 PM  

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